Wednesday, September 9, 2009


My cell phone just rang, the caller ID simply said "CALIFORNIA" and that could only mean one thing.....Michael is calling me.  Hard to believe that we just chatted (voice to voice) for the first time since our decision to run the Rochester Marathon.  He is arriving tomorrow night and I will be at the airport with bells on - CAN YOU BELIEVE IT????? The only thing that would make this even better would be....well, Kari, I'm not going there.

So, our plans are basic:  Dinosaur BBQ, rest, RUN, rest, drink, celebrate!!!!  

I just can't believe that this crazy circle of marathoning friends is about to close in on Rochester - it's going to be a great weekend.


  1. for sure! Dino is a must....Hope to get a glimpse as you speed past. If not, I will be there with youin spirit. Busy days ahead for the Stella family and I am not feeling well. I am certain it is allergies, just the same, I don't want you to get sick. I will hopefully see you on Sunday!

  2. so -if you have bells on i don't have to look for you...just listen?
