Saturday, January 2, 2010

Trieste Hangover Half-marathon 1-02-10

Doesn't have the same ring to it as the Albany one, but it was the best I could do. There was NO WAY I could have done it yesterday since Sweetie and I were out til the wee ones (5:30! Felt like a college student) and then slept til 2pm (which was awesome)-- so much for team spirit.

But I found it today. I planned on spending the entire day in bed reading but I managed to get up and get motivated. My inspirations were: Laura (I had to get my halfie in and looks like more rain tomorrow), Ms. Fool (Happy second Blogday), Running Laur, and the Dirt Diva (Laura did you notice she's mentioned in Born  to Run?), who makes me feel really bad for complaining about my tiny runs when she's gearing up for her 100-mile races, which seem to happen something like every other week. Bowerm's tweets made me long for BBQ at about the 11-mile mark.

I tried to get as close to Laura's time but I pooped out at 2:17 and was too close to home to do anything else but go there. I just checked though, and I did make it to 13.1 in the rain. P.s. How do you like the awesome view from my balcony? Doesn't it make you want to move to Italy??

Comment from Laura - Do we have the BEST team blog, or what??? I mean, look at her - out there running with us in mind!!! I sense GREAT things for 2010

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