Monday, April 6, 2009


Paris is the best city in the world in case you didn´t know, and a perfect place for an ex-exchange student reunion. We have so much to tell you... and we´ll eventually get to it. We wore our medals all day yesterday as we limped around Paris (Paris, city of Limps, don´t you know?). We didn´t wear them today, although there were plenty of people around town wearing theirs...

The pique-nique under the Eiffel tower was a great success, by the way. Like I said, pictures to come. Just wanted to let you know that we are doing GREAT and are SO HAPPY and LOVE LOVE LOVE PARIS. 

More soon. THANK YOU THANK YOU for all of the good wishes and sweet messages before and after the Marathon. 

We are marathoners now. Isn´t that so neat?


  1. YAY! YAY! YAY! You guys rock. :)

  2. Of course our friends Steve and Keb have a video of you coming in at the end. I am so very proud of you two. What an accomplishment. When I saw you both come in (as i had seen your running outfits) it made me choke up. To know what you have been through to get here to that very day is awe inspiring. Rock on sisters!

  3. looking forward to the pics, fellow (?) marathoners! hope the mars bar magic was strong.

  4. Yea! I hadn't heard anything from Kari so I thought I'd check... Sounds like it all went great!

  5. I am in computer contact and will blog in the morning. I absolutely double what Kari has to say.
