Sunday, December 20, 2009

Udine "Telethon" 24-hour relay

The pictures above are from last Saturday's 24-hour relay race in Udine. I was on a 24 person team that took turns running around and around the historic center of the city for an hour at a time. I was on the Rotary team, and our number, 2060, is the number of our Rotary district. For every loop each of us made, the Rotarians in Udine gave 5 euros to the Rotary Polio Plus Foundation. I ran 12 loops, my friend Lorella, who is also in the photos above, ran 13 loops. Her very fast brother-in-law, who is the guy on the left of the first and third photos, did a smokin' 14 times around. My Rotary club decided to match the money as well, so for an hour's worth of running, we were able to raise some nice bucks for charity.


  1. Way to go, guys! That's a brilliant way to raise some $$$.

  2. Can't believe I did not see this until now. This is awesome!

  3. You guys can come run it with me next year!!!
